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Owner operator Michael Harwig has always had a life long love of food. Whether working as a Meat Cutter or as a Engineer in the Navy Chef Michael's life has centered around food. As a Meat Cutter he taught himself cooking techniques to better help his customers, working as a Naval Engineer he was always, involved in planning and executing large command functions from events on the USS John F Kennedy to cooking Prime Rib roast on main steam valves. At Machinist Mate A School He planned and executed over 40 command functions for students. Joining the U.S. Ross in 2002 as a GSM he soon became involved in functions at that Command. In 2007 he Joined USS Independence LCS-2 and was Rapidly involved in Food centered events including making a cake shaped as a LCS. It was at this Command when Chef Michael Purchased his first Hot Dog/Food Cart off of Craig's list. In 2010 due to a bout with Kidney Cancer he was assigned to Naval Special Warfare Logistics Support Unit 1 and used his First Hot Dog Cart for cookouts and fund raisers there. In late 2010 with Limited Duty over he reported to USS Howard DDG 83 and found a fractured Engineering Dept using good food and Humor he soon built a unstoppable team of Engineers. Retiring in Dec 2012 He enrolled in the Art Institute San Diego's Culinary Program to take a life long love, professional. He could not stay away from cooking and serving good food. Having spent 20 years serving his Country he wished to go a totally different direction working for himself and serving those who serve.



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